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PCRE con soporte Unicode


PHP Notice:  Sorry, your PCRE extension does not support UTF8 
which is needed for the I18N core in 
/usr/share/php/Zend/Locale/Format.php on line 769

Verficación del problema:

$ pcretest -C
PCRE version 6.6 06-Feb-2006
Compiled with
  UTF-8 support
  No Unicode properties support
  Newline character is LF
  Internal link size = 2
  POSIX malloc threshold = 10
  Default match limit = 10000000
  Default recursion depth limit = 10000000
  Match recursion uses stack


Descargar: pcre-6.6-2.7.x86_64.rpm ← PCRE 6.6 for CentOS 5.2 64-bit


# rpm -Uvh pcre-6.6-2.7.x86_64.rpm

Verificar solución:

$ pcretest -C
PCRE version 6.6 06-Feb-2006
Compiled with
  UTF-8 support
  Unicode properties support
  Newline character is LF
  Internal link size = 2
  POSIX malloc threshold = 10
  Default match limit = 10000000
  Default recursion depth limit = 10000000
  Match recursion uses stack

Reiniciar Apache.

# /etc/init.d/httpd restart

Sacado de: Unicode Support on CentOS 5.2 with PHP and PCRE

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